Human Dog Food – A List Of Foods, Fruits, And Vegetables Dogs Can Eat

Dog eating pomegranate

The food you find suitable for your health and taste may not be good for your dog.  Therefore, keep track of your dog’s nutritional requirements to avoid ending up in an emergency vet. This article gives you an insight into a list of human dog food that you and your dog can relish alongside each other.


Common Human Foods Dogs Can Eat:


Milk/Milk Products

Dogs can consume milk and products like cheese, yogurt, etc. But make sure the dog is lactose tolerant. Also, select lower-fat varieties of cheese like cottage cheese or mozzarella.



Dogs can eat all types of meat products. Remove the fat layers and skin before feeding it to your dog. Cooked meat products should be devoid of salt, garlic, or onions.



Honey is an excellent source of potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, antioxidants, vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K. It provides plenty of health benefits as a portion of human dog food, especially for allergic dogs.



It is an excellent human dog food with rich amounts of proteins, fats, and vitamins. However, always feed it to your dog in cooked form.



It is an occasional safe treat for dogs. Coconut milk and oil are also tolerable. It is excellent for combating bacterial and viral infections and itchy skin due to Lauric acid.



Popcorns are rich in riboflavin and thiamine with small amounts of iron and protein. Dogs can eat it in an unsalted and unbuttered form in moderation.



It is typical human dog food. It would be best if you fed corn to the dogs mixed with other ingredients in moderation.


White Rice

Dogs can eat boiled rice which is a good cure for an upset stomach. But avoid giving it regularly.



Cooked eggs are a great source of protein for dogs. Avoid raw eggs, which can lead to biotin deficiency.



Dogs can eat bread in moderation, but it comes with no health benefits and nutritional value.


Peanuts & Peanut butter: 

It is an excellent high-calorie food for dogs. However, feed it in moderate amounts due to its high-fat contents.


Fruits Dogs Can Eat:



Mango is a package of potassium, beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and vitamin A, B6, C, and E. Dogs can eat it in small amounts due to its high sugar content.



Rich in copper, vitamins C and K, and fibers, pears give dogs great health benefits, especially their heart. Make the chunks small and remove seeds that contain cyanide.



Small treats of raspberries are suitable for older dogs due to their high amounts of anti-inflammatory substances. It is also rich in fibers, manganese, and vitamin C.



Apples are suitable for all ages of dogs due to their low protein and fat contents. It is rich in vitamin A, C, and fibers.



Oranges contain high contents of vitamin C, potassium, and fibers. Dogs can eat oranges with seeds and peel removed but may not like the strong citrus smell.



Being rich in fibers and vitamin C, peaches not only ensure good health but whiten your dog’s teeth.



It is a good source of hydration and vitamin A, B, and C for dogs. Remove the seeds and rind before feeding your dog.



Cucumbers are a great source of potassium, copper, magnesium, biotin, and vitamins K, C, and B1. It comes with significant health benefits, especially for overweight dogs.



Bananas should be given in small treats to dogs due to their high sugar content. These are rich in potassium, vitamins, biotin, fiber, and copper.



Feed them soft pieces of pineapple with removed peel. It helps dogs in protein digestion due to an enzyme, bromelain.


Vegetable Dogs Can Eat



Give your dogs cooked potatoes essentially in small amounts. Overfeeding may cause weight gain. Avoid feeding raw potatoes.


Peas and Green Beans

Dogs can eat all kinds of peas and plain green beans. These are excellent sources of vitamins, protein, and fibers.


Brussels sprouts and Cabbage

Both are full of nutrients and antioxidants. But avoid overfeeding these to the dogs as it can cause bloating and gas.



Dogs can occasionally eat spinach in fewer amounts because spinach contains a high amount of oxalic acid, leading to kidney problems.



It is good but as an occasional treat. Dogs may suffer from gastric irritation because their florets contain isothiocyanates.



Celery ensures the dog’s good health due to the high contents of vitamins A, B, and C. It is also beneficial for the dog’s heart and improves breath.



Dogs can eat carrots. Besides containing fibers, vitamin A, and beta carotene, carrots are great for improving the dog’s oral health.


Final Thoughts

Dogs’ digestive system works differently than the human digestive system. There are many foods that both humans and dogs can eat but in minor or moderate amounts and with specific cautions. Before giving the dog food that you cherish, make sure it is listed above.

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