Can Dogs Eat Bread? 5 Kinds of Bread To Avoid

In a lot of Asian, European, and African countries, bread is the staple food. It’s healthy not only for us but also for our gut bacteria. We all love to share our food with our pets. So it’s a common question can dogs eat bread


Here is the complete guide to feeding bread safely to your furry friend. We’ve also listed some major bread types that should be avoided at all costs.


Can Dogs Eat Bread?


There is no one-word answer to this question. It completely depends on certain conditions. Firstly, you should be aware of your bread’s ingredients. Secondly, you need to know if your dog has any allergies. Speaking of the ingredients, bread is made from either wheat flour or whole grain flour, both of which are safe for dogs. So your pup can consume plain white bread or brown bread safely. Note that we are talking about the two main types of bread used as staples and not the list of over a hundred bread flavors out there. 


After the ingredients, it’s time to figure out whether the dog has any grain allergies or not. If he is allergic to grains, keep all sorts of bread out of his reach. If you are a new pet parent and don’t know if your dog has allergies, don’t worry. You can always check it out via food trials or RAST testing.


Can Dogs Eat Bread Daily?


No, adding bread to dog food regularly is not a good idea. The reason is its carbohydrate content. A plain white bread has 49 grams of carbohydrate per 100 grams serving. Feeding this many carbohydrates on a daily basis will make your dog obese and some dental issues might arise. So the key is to feed it every now and then and mix it up with other nutritious foods.


Not All Kinds of Bread are Safe for Your Pooch


Here are the five kinds of bread that you should avoid feeding dogs at all costs:


1. Garlic or Onion Bread

The aroma of garlic and onion bread is the most appetizing one. No wonder your dog is attracted to it as much as you are. But never give him a bite. Both the main ingredients in them are toxic to dogs and can make them lose their red blood cells. Severe conditions of toxicity after consuming garlic or onions can be fatal for dogs. 


2. Banana Bread

Bananas are safe for dogs. In fact, many dogs love and enjoy this naturally sweet treat. Though it’s healthy to add bananas to the dog’s diet occasionally, don’t feed him banana bread. The foremost reason is added sugar. It is too sweet to be given to dogs. It can become the cause of diabetes and dental caries. Many people agree that a single bite, once in a blue moon, won’t hurt them. If you want your dog to have a taste, then go ahead, but it’s not recommended.


3. Nut Bread

Humans eat nut bread with relish. Not only is it tasty, but it’s also healthy. So, they wonder if “can dogs eat bread with nuts?” The answer is a big no. Most nuts are high in fat content. You would probably not like your dog to be on the obese list. Some nuts like macadamia nuts are toxic for dogs. Salted nuts are even worse as they reduce the water content in their bodies and put them at risk of pancreatitis.


4. Cinnamon Bread

Cinnamon does not pose any toxicity to dogs. But it does not do any good for them either. It gives many people the wrong idea that if their dog has eaten cinnamon bread by mistake, they should not worry. In fact, they should. Because the traditional method of making cinnamon bread has raisins in it. From raisins to wine, all grape products are life-threatening to dogs. According to the American Kennel Club, the reason behind it is yet to be discovered. But it often has adverse effects.


5. Sourdough Bread

Dogs have been seen having major digestive issues after eating sourdough bread, so it’s a no for them. Some exceptional cases have been there, but it’s better not to take a risk. Before baking, sourdough bread is left for some time so that the wild yeast and bacteria can ferment. During this time, you need to be extra careful around your dog. The dog’s stomach provides favorable conditions for yeast to ferment, resulting in a fatal health condition.




As long as they don’t have any grain allergies, plain white bread and brown bread are perfectly safe for dogs. The carbohydrate content of bread does not make it suitable as a part of a regular diet. So treat dogs with bread occasionally. Certain kinds of bread are not safe for dogs because of the additional ingredients. You better keep them away from your pets.

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